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Macrobiotics is a natural medicine.
It has no side effects whatsoever and it benefits all symptoms and diseases
Macrobiotics is the art and science of health and longevity.
Macrobiotics is learning and understanding our food, our way of living, and our surroundings.
Macrobiotics has a positive effect over our physical and emotional life.
The Macrobiotic approach defines the disease as a natural attempt of the body to return to it's harmonious and dynamic stage.

The Macrobiotic center in Israel has over 40 years of experience and success in consulting and guiding individuals families and groups to a better, healthier life.
Write us for more details or appointment setting
Macrobiotic treatment
for Epilepsy
Macrobiotic treatment for Diabetes
Macrobiotic treatment for Colitis/Crohns disease
Macrobiotic treatment for cancer desease
Macrobiotics has proven that learning and understanding the dynamics between us, our food and our surrounding, determines our physical and emotional health. Contact us today, and start living strong again.
Lectures of The Macrobiotic Center Israel
Presented by: Pablo Finkelstein
Throughout the history, scholars in general and philosophers and doctors in particular, new the principles of Macrobiotics, and considered it to be "The fountain of youth".
In these lectures, you might get to drink few drops...
How to heal the digestion system?
Losing weight without a diet
Health and joy after 50
Macrobiotics and good relationship
How to heal Sleeplessness, tension an over worrying?
The bad influence of Dairy products, Eggs, Meat and Sugar
How the incurable got cured?
Return to Balance - Nutrition effect on human behavior
Overcoming fatigue or keep deteriorating?
Back to youth
Hirsutism, Infertility, Leukemia.
Lecture time is 90 minutes.
Pablo F. the Macrobiotic center in Israel,
A young 79 years old, Pablo is dancing, acting, lectures and treats people. He lives by the Macrobiotics principals as a life philosophy and nutrition, which helps him keep his vitality and vigor day and night!
The Centers' Addresses
Jerusalem Branch
Agripas 40, floor 7
Tel-Aviv Branch
Sotin 24 (Bloch-Arlozorov)
The Macrobiotic center in Israel - where you will find a variety of macrobiotic foods, treatments and lessons in the subject.
Please call in advance.
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